Pyotr Eduardovich
Real estate agency
Family Realtor
My full name - Tulyupa Petr Eduardovich, I am a family realtor.
It's like a family lawyer, a family doctor or a family financial advisor. Yes, this is a rarity in our country, but if you watched American films, you probably heard such concepts as a family .... specialist in some area of life. In the former CIS countries, we are used to doing everything ourselves: work, housekeeping (cook, wash, clean, etc.), study English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, mathematics, physics, etc. with your children, while being a specialist in medicine, psychology, pediatrics, veterinary medicine (if you have pets), farming in the country, understanding politics, economics, etc. Wow!!! But practice shows that in life it is impossible to know everything and at some point we are looking for a specialist who will help us solve our problems and free us for more important things: vacation with family, travel, development of our business or advance your career, realize your plans and dreams!
Therefore, such a concept as a family specialist appeared - this is not just a company serving a client, this is a person who understands the desires of the family and strives to solve family issues as much as possible within the scope of his capabilities. My specification is real estate, everything related to selling, buying, renting and subsequent management.
A little bit about yourself.
Born and raised in Kyiv.
I love my city, even knowing all its pluses and minuses.
I have been working as a Realtor in Kyiv and Kiev region since 2007.
2 years worked at Parker&Obolensky
I specialize in residential real estate: apartments and Houses.
Worked with all market segments:
- commercial real estate: offices, cellars, socles, storage rooms;
- Residential Properties: attics, apartments, communal apartments, houses and parts of houses;
- new buildings: starting from the planning stage, organization of the sales department, design, construction, connection to networks, commissioning, settling and subsequent maintenance.
- land plots: for construction, gardening, OSG, commercial purposes, low-rise construction, high-rise construction.
Member of the Association of Real Estate Specialists of Ukraine